About Us
Our company goal
We will strive to be the best real estate company and school that we can, by providing excellent service and education. We will use our knowledge and experience to achieve the individual goals of our customers or students. We will work with other real estate companies, sales associates and customers using professional skills and ethics as provided by the National Association of REALTORS. We will use customer and student satisfaction as the barometer for our success. Each transaction will be handled with skill, care and diligence in order to bring each to a successful close. We will strive to make the real estate transaction and class fun, less stressful and easy for our customers and students. This will be the measure of our success!
Our Company Philosophy
In order to have success, our company must follow one direction and philosophy as a basis for doing business. The following are critical to that success:
Truth and honesty in all that we do is the most important attribute to our success. The lack of integrity is sure to bring failure. Our sales staff, instructors and employees must at all times act with integrity in all that we do. Truth and honesty are expected and deserved by are customers and students. There are no excuses regarding integrity.
Our goal is to deliver service above the expectation of all our customers and students. Service begins with the needs, wants, and desires of our customers and students. Careful counseling will determine the path taken in order to satisfy this requirement. We expect each of our employees, instructors and sales staff to deliver excellent service.
Each member of our team must individually perform and therefore be a part of the overall success of the company. Working together is paramount to achieving our goal. Growth and prosperity is achieved by hard work and doing one’s best at all times. Our commitment to doing our best will be ever present. Helping each other achieve ones personal best is expected behavior of all our employees, instructors and sales staff.
Professional competence
The real estate business is constantly changing and to be successful we must embrace change with fervor. Continuing education is expected from all. Each of our employees, instructors and sales staff is expected to continue to learn. Having up to date information at our fingertips helps us stay current and informed.
All humans make errors. Mistakes are inevitable. The value of a company is not gauged by how many mistakes are made, but rather how the mistakes are made right with the customers. We are fully accountable for our mistakes and we will make sure that each and every customer or student is satisfied with our representation.